How to Build a Web Scraper With Python in Just 10 Minutes

How to Build a Web Scraper With Python in Just 10 Minutes

A web scraper is a tool that automates the process of extracting data from websites. Python is a popular language for building web scrapers due to its ease of use, vast libraries, and strong community support. In this article, we will explore the basics of web scraping and show you how to build a simple web scraper using Python in just 10 minutes. In this article, we'll get the latest trending YouTube video names saved into CSV file!

By the end of this article, you will have a solid understanding of web scraping and the ability to build a basic web scraper using Python. Whether you're a data scientist, a journalist, or just someone looking to automate a tedious task, web scraping is a powerful tool to have in your toolkit.

Setting up your environment.

Assuming that you already have Python installed on your computer, the next step is to install the necessary libraries for web scraping, such as BeautifulSoup and requests. These libraries can be easily installed using the Python package manager, pip, by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

pip install beautifulsoup4 requests

BeautifulSoup is a Python library that is used for web scraping and parsing HTML and XML documents. It allows you to navigate and search through a web page's HTML structure and extract the data you need conveniently and efficiently.

Requests is another Python library that is used for making HTTP requests. It provides a simple and straightforward way of sending HTTP requests to a website and receiving a response. This is an essential step in web scraping, as it allows you to retrieve the HTML content of a web page that you want to scrape.

With these libraries installed, you have everything you need to start building your web scraper.

Understanding HTML and CSS.

An overview of the structure of web pages and how to navigate them to find the data you need to scrape.

To effectively scrape data from a website, it is important to have a basic understanding of HTML and CSS, the technologies used to build web pages. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the standard language used to create the structure and content of a web page, while CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to add style and formatting to a web page. Understanding how HTML and CSS work together will allow you to navigate and identify the information you need to extract from a web page.

In HTML, elements are represented by tags, such as <p> for paragraphs and <h1> for headings. These elements can contain other elements and attributes, such as class and id, that provide additional information about the content. By examining the HTML structure of a web page, you can determine the location of the data you want to scrape.

CSS is used to style HTML elements and can also provide information about their location on the page. By using the class and id attributes in combination with CSS selectors, you can identify and select specific elements on a web page to extract the data you need.

Building a simple web scraper

The process involves sending an HTTP request to a website, parsing the HTML content returned from the request, locating the data you want to extract, and saving the extracted data to a file.

Here is an example of a web scraper in Python that can extract the latest trending videos from YouTube:

import requests
import csv
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# Send an HTTP request to the YouTube trending page
response = requests.get("")

# Parse the HTML content returned from the request
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, "html.parser")

# Find the elements on the page that contain the video information
video_elements = soup.find_all("div", class_="yt-lockup-content")

# Extract the video information from the elements
videos = []
for element in video_elements:
    video_title = element.find("a", class_="yt-uix-tile-link").text
    video_url = "" + element.find("a", class_="yt-uix-tile-link")["href"]
    videos.append({"title": video_title, "url": video_url})

# Save the extracted video information to a CSV file
with open("videos.csv", "w", newline="") as file:
    writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=["title", "url"])
    for video in videos:

This code example uses the csv library to save the extracted video information to a CSV file. The extracted video information is stored in a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a single video and contains its title and URL. The csv.DictWriter class is used to write the video information to the CSV file. The writeheader method is used to write the header row to the file, and the writerow method is used to write each video as a separate row in the file. The with statement is used to open the file, which ensures that the file is closed properly after the writing is complete.


In conclusion, Python has proven to be a valuable tool for web scraping. This article has taken you through the process of setting up your environment, understanding HTML and CSS, building a web scraper, and optimizing it, all using Python. The information provided here is useful for both new and experienced web scraper builders, helping you build a scraper that is efficient and effective.

Web scraping has the potential to greatly simplify and automate tedious manual processes by allowing you to extract large amounts of data from websites. This can be especially useful for data scientists looking to gather data for analysis or marketers looking to gather information on their competitors.

So, if you're ready to take your web scraping skills to the next level, dive into the world of Python and see what you can accomplish!